Hyderabad, June 28 (NSS): The birth anniversary celebrations of former Prime Minister P V Narasimha Rao were held at Telangana Bhavan in the city. BRS party working president K T Rama Rao paid rich tributes at PV’s portrait on the occasion. PV’s daughter and the BRS party MLC Surabhi Vani Devi, party MLA Jagadeesh Reddy and several other leaders paid their respects to the former PM.
On the occasion, KTR recalled PV’s services. He said the former PM P V Narasimha Rao was the first South Indian leader to take over as Prime Minister in Delhi. “PV’s services to the nation are unforgettable. PV as the Prime Minister gave economic direction to the country, which was now on the verge of disaster. “Our PV is a man, who led the country with economic reforms. The country will never forget the multi-faceted genius PV Narasimha Rao.
PV was a great leader, who handed over 800 acres of land to the government as part of land reforms. PV is the greatest person, who initiated educational reforms. “We have passed a resolution in the Assembly for the Bharat Ratna award for PV Narasimha Rao. PV put India on the world map. We have named the Necklace road after PV,” he said and added that PV’s statue was erected there. (NSS)