[India], Mar. 16 (ANI): In an ongoing mission to identify, motivate and promote talent in academics and sports, the Amity University organised the “Scholarship Award Function” at its university campus here.On the first day, 230 students were awarded “Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan on Admission Scholarships”, 124 were awarded “Continuation of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan on Admission Scholarships” and 372 were awarded “On Admission Merit Scholarships” by Dr. Gurinder Singh, Amity Group Vice Chancellor, Dr. Balvinder Shukla, VC, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Dr. W Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation and Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Acting Chairman, Amity Law Schools.Dr. Sunita Singh, Chairperson, Scholarship Award Committee shared that a total of 1425 Scholarships worth crores are being awarded to the meritorious students during two day ceremony and explained various Scholarships that are being awarded to the students and criteria for being selected as a scholarship recipient.She mentioned that depending upon the performance of students, they are being awarded with 100 percent and 50 percent fees waiver, which continue throughout the programme based on their performance every semester.Dr. Singh lauded the hard work of all the awardees and said that they have will and positive attitude to pave way for success.Addressing the gathering, Dr. Balvinder Singh Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh said that achievement gives happiness, motivation and smiles not just on the faces of the recipients but everyone associated with them- their parents, grandparents, siblings and friends.She lauded the parents who have contributed immensely in the success of their wards and have made several sacrifices, kept them away from numerous distractions and non-productive activities.She stressed that it is the partnership between teachers and parents that is a major contributor of student’s success and excellence in life. Dr. Shukla congratulated the parents and grandparents who have come all the way to witness the proud moment. She averred that it is important to be a good human being along with scoring good marks and advised the students to accept their success with humbleness and keep aspiring for higher goals.The proud recipients of the scholarships expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their parents, faculty members and institution for their achievement and success.On the second day, a total of 700 students will receive “Continuation of on Admission Merit Scholarships”, “Merit Scholarships during the Programme”, “Merit-cum-Means Scholarships”, “Sports Scholarships” and “Merit Certificates”. (ANI)