Image Courtesy: BCCIKolkata: Jharkhand coach Rajiv Kumar on Friday blamed the Jadavpur University second campus wicket, saying skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni could not have done much as they succumbed to a 21-run loss to Hyderabad in a Group D Vijay Hazare cricket tie here.”He could not have done much. There was little time to react. It was a good length ball that stayed low and skidded on to the stumps. It was his bad luck,” Kumar told reporters after the former India captain scored a 47-ball 28 in which he took 20 deliveries to hit a boundary.Jharkhand are now running against the tide after their latest defeat which saw a fine century by Saurabh Tiwary (102 off 104) go in vain.Read: When MS Dhoni bumped into his old ‘chaiwala’Praising Dhoni’s leadership which helped the team restrict Hyderabad to 203/8 in 50 overs, coach Kumar said, “Here we could restrict them for 200-odd. There’s an overall improvement but wicket has been difficult, we have not been successful in adapting quickly.”Read: MS Dhoni slams blistering century in Vijay Hazare Trophy”He (Dhoni) has seen situations like no one else here. Nobody knows to finish a game better than him. His presence is a big boost for the side. In Kalyani we lost three but Jaggi and Saurabh finished the game. It’s a big learning experience for all of us.”Read: Dhoni travels in train with Jharkhand team-mates Kumar added that Dhoni spoke to the teammates for a long time after the game and they are confident of a late push for the last eight stage.”He had a good chat with the team. He told us what are the areas of weakness we need to work as a team,” he added.Stay updated on the go with Sify Live Scores App. Click here to download it for your device