Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan will visit the famous Kondagattu Anjanna temple in Telangana on Saturday. Special pujas will be performed at the Anjaneya Swamy Temple. At 7 am, he will leave his residence in Madhapur by road to Kondagattu. He will reach Kondagattu at 11 am and participate in the pujas in the temple for an hour-and-a-half. After darshan, he will return to Hyderabad.
Speaking on the occasion, Jana Sena Telangana leader Sagar revealed about the visit of Pawan Kalyan to the temple. He said Pawan Kalyan would pay obeisance at Kondagattu Anjanna temple. Stating that Pawan Kalyan is observing fast, he asked the fans of the actor-turned-politician to exercise restraint during his visit. He said Pawan Kalyan would soon hold a meeting with Telangana leaders of the party. “Without Jana Sena, there will be no politics in Telugu States. In Telangana, leaders of other parties are coming to join Jana Sena. Pawan will take a decision soon”, he added.
Telangana Jana Sena in-charge Shankar Goud said Pawan Kalyan would soon appoint new committees after dissolving Jana Sena’s old committees in Telangana and added that their party chief would also hold a meeting in a month to strengthen the party in Telangana. (NSS)