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Overnight temperature drops to minus 44.4 degrees celsius in western Mongolia

Ulan Bator, Jan 27 (IANS) Temperatures plunged to minus 44.4 degrees celsius in Otgon soum, an administrative subdivision of Zavkhan province in western Mongolia, during the overnight hours from Saturday to Sunday, the country’s National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring said Monday. This is the coldest temperature recorded in Mongolia so far this winter, […]

Mongolia issues alert for extreme cold wave

Ulan Bator, Jan 24 (IANS) Mongolia is bracing for extremely cold weather in the coming days, as the National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring issued a warning on Friday. Starting Saturday, cold air from Siberia, Russia, will sweep across large parts of Mongolia, bringing overnight temperatures that could exceed minus 40 degrees Celsius, the […]