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Telangana Chief Secretary Assures No Immediate Drinking Water Concerns

© Provided by The Rahnuma Daily

Telangana Chief Secretary Assures No Immediate Drinking Water Concerns

HYDERABAD,27th March 2024:In a recent statement, the Chief Secretary of Telangana has assured the public that there are no immediate concerns regarding drinking water availability in the state.

Addressing potential worries about water scarcity, the Chief Secretary emphasized that measures are in place to manage the situation effectively. He highlighted ongoing efforts by the state government to ensure adequate water supply to all regions, especially during the upcoming summer months when demand typically rises.

Despite acknowledging the importance of prudent water usage, the Chief Secretary reassured residents that there is currently no cause for alarm regarding drinking water availability. However, he encouraged individuals and communities to continue practicing responsible water conservation habits to sustain long-term water security.

The statement from the Chief Secretary aims to alleviate concerns and maintain confidence in the state’s water management capabilities. As the summer season approaches, authorities remain vigilant in monitoring water resources and implementing necessary measures to address any emerging challenges.

The assurance provided by the Chief Secretary underscores the commitment of the Telangana government to prioritize the well-being of its citizens and ensure essential services, such as access to safe drinking water, are reliably maintained throughout the year.

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