Holy Quran: “Behold! the angels said: ‘O Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus Son of Mary, the Messiah, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter, he is of those nearest to God”

By Sarwarunissa Zubeda Begum
Editor In-Chief & Publisher
The Rahnuma-E-Deccan Daily
(RAHNUMA) HYDERABAD: The rise of extremist ideologies within Israeli and American Evangelical circles, advocating for an apocalyptic vision involving the destruction of Haram Sharif Masjid Al Aqsa, demands a robust response from the Arab world. This call to action is not just a matter of political urgency but of theological clarification that can reshape global perceptions and counter dangerous narratives.
Islam has recognized Jesus Son of Mary as the Messiah for over 1400 years, a fact enshrined in the Holy Quran. As stated in Surah Al-Imran: “Behold! the angels said: ‘O Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ [Al Masih, the Messiah] Jesus Son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter, he is of those nearest to God” [Quran 3:45]. This recognition is not merely symbolic but a doctrinal truth that unites Muslims across diverse schools of thought.
Given the critical juncture at which we stand, it is imperative for Arab countries, through their Ministries of Religious Affairs and diplomatic channels, to assert this truth publicly. By doing so, they can dismantle the fallacies propagated by fringe elements who misuse religious texts to justify geopolitical aggression in the name of religion.
The origins of such extremist ideologies can be traced back to figures like Isaac La Peyrère, often considered the “Father of Zionism.” His apocalyptic visions of a Messiah leading a world government from Jerusalem have been adapted by today’s extremists, replacing the king of France with the United States. This narrative has been co-opted by modern zealots, fueling conflict, and undermining efforts for peace and justice in the region.
By vocalizing the recognition of Jesus as the Messiah, Arab and Muslim countries can also undermine the narrative used by terrorist groups like Hamas. In October 2023, Hamas justified their attacks by claiming they were in response to Israeli extremists bringing Red Heifers from Texas to Jerusalem, a ritual they argued precedes an illegal demolition of Haram Sharif Al Aqsa Mosque. By taking control of the narrative and affirming Islam’s position on Jesus as the Messiah, Arab nations can weaken the influence of such extremist groups and promote a message of peace and justice.
To effectively counter this, Arab nations must lead the charge in affirming Islam’s recognition of Jesus as the Messiah. This affirmation can serve as a powerful counter-narrative to the destructive ideologies threatening Haram Sharif Masjid Al Aqsa and can help garner global support for Palestinian rights.
Moreover, clarifying this theological position is essential to reclaim the narrative from both apocalyptic extremists in Israel and terrorists who falsely claim to defend the Muslim world. By doing so, we can promote a message of peace, emphasizing that the quest for justice and the protection of holy sites do not require apocalyptic visions but a return to the core values that unite communities.
It is time for the Arab League and the broader Muslim community to clarify this to their populations in a way it is also made clear to the rest of the world – for Muslims, Christ Jesus Son of Mary is Messiah. This declaration can shift global perceptions, counter sympathy for extremist Evangelical and fringe Zionist narratives in the West, take the narrative out of the bloodied hands of the terrorist network Hamas, and pave the way for a more just and peaceful future for the region free from extremist calls for destruction. Such a policy would be as President Biden was caught saying, a ‘come to Jesus’ moment for extremists in Israel and their supporters in the United States.