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Hyderabad: University of Hyderabad Student Groups Stage 3-Day Protest Against ABVP Attack

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Hyderabad: University of Hyderabad Student Groups Stage 3-Day Protest Against ABVP Attack

Hyderabad22nd April 2024 : In a display of solidarity and resilience, student groups at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) have embarked on a three-day protest in response to an alleged attack by members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP). The protest, marked by fervent chants and placard-waving, aims to condemn the violence and demand accountability from the authorities.

The incident, which reportedly occurred on the university campus, has sparked outrage among the student community. According to eyewitness accounts, a group of ABVP members allegedly instigated violence against students belonging to other ideological affiliations. The attack has raised concerns about the safety and security of students on campus and has reignited discussions about the prevalence of political tensions within educational institutions.

In response to the alleged attack, student groups at UoH have come together to voice their grievances and demand justice. The three-day protest serves as a platform for students to express their solidarity with the victims of the attack and call for stringent action against the perpetrators. Banners emblazoned with slogans denouncing violence and advocating for peace adorn the protest site, as students from various backgrounds unite in their quest for justice.

The protest is not only a testament to the resilience of the student community but also a reflection of their unwavering commitment to upholding the values of democracy and freedom of expression. It sends a powerful message to the authorities that acts of violence and intimidation will not be tolerated and that students will continue to stand up for their rights and principles.

In addition to seeking justice for the victims of the attack, the protest also highlights broader concerns about the politicization of campus spaces and the need for dialogue and tolerance among students with diverse ideological perspectives. It serves as a reminder that universities should be bastions of intellectual exchange and debate, where ideas can be freely expressed and challenged without fear of reprisal.

As the three-day protest unfolds, students at the University of Hyderabad remain steadfast in their resolve to seek justice and uphold the principles of democracy and fraternity. Their voices reverberate not only within the confines of the campus but also across the broader spectrum of society, reminding us all of the importance of standing up against injustice and violence in all its forms.

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