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Rapido Extends Civic Duty Support: Offers Free Bike Rides in Hyderabad on Lok Sabha Polling Day

© Provided by The Rahnuma Daily

Rapido Extends Civic Duty Support: Offers Free Bike Rides in Hyderabad on Lok Sabha Polling Day

Hyderabad,  6th May 2024 : In a commendable move towards fostering civic engagement and facilitating voter turnout, Rapido, one of India’s leading bike taxi platforms, has announced a significant initiative in Hyderabad. On the forthcoming Lok Sabha polling day, Rapido will be offering free bike rides to citizens, thereby eliminating transportation barriers that might impede their ability to reach the polling booths.

The Lok Sabha elections, being the cornerstone of India’s democratic process, require widespread participation from citizens across all walks of life. However, logistical challenges often deter individuals from exercising their fundamental right to vote. Recognizing this hurdle, Rapido’s initiative seeks to mitigate transportation constraints and encourage every eligible voter to partake in the electoral process.

On the polling day, users in Hyderabad can avail themselves of this offer by simply accessing the Rapido app and entering the designated promo code. Once applied, the ride fare will be waived off, enabling users to commute to and from their respective polling stations without incurring any cost.

This initiative underscores Rapido’s commitment to societal welfare and democratic values. By providing complimentary rides on this crucial day, the platform not only demonstrates its corporate responsibility but also empowers citizens to fulfill their civic duties with ease.

Furthermore, this endeavor aligns with the broader objective of enhancing voter turnout, a key indicator of a vibrant democracy. Through such initiatives, Rapido not only contributes to the electoral process but also reinforces the significance of active citizenship in nation-building.

Rapido’s decision to offer free bike rides on the Lok Sabha polling day reflects a proactive approach towards addressing societal needs beyond its core business operations. It sets a precedent for other corporates to leverage their resources and influence for the greater good, thereby fostering a culture of civic responsibility and community engagement.

As Hyderabad gears up for the Lok Sabha elections, Rapido’s initiative serves as a beacon of encouragement for citizens to exercise their franchise without hindrance. By eliminating transportation barriers, the platform reaffirms its commitment to inclusivity, accessibility, and democratic principles.

In conclusion, Rapido’s offer of free bike rides on the Lok Sabha polling day emerges as a laudable initiative, transcending commercial interests to uphold the democratic ethos of the nation. As citizens prepare to cast their votes, Rapido stands as a steadfast ally, facilitating their journey towards active participation in shaping the country’s future.

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