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Students protest unhygienic food at Malla Reddy Engineering College

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Students protest unhygienic food at Malla Reddy Engineering College

Hyderabad,, March 5 : Students at Malla Reddy Engineering College have taken to the streets in protest against the alleged unhygienic food being served in their college mess. The protest, which gained momentum in recent days, has drawn attention to the students’ dissatisfaction with the quality and safety of the meals provided on campus.

Reports from the protesting students indicate concerns about the cleanliness of the kitchen facilities, the freshness of ingredients, and the overall hygiene standards maintained during food preparation. Many students have expressed their frustration over experiencing food-related illnesses due to what they perceive as substandard food hygiene practices.

The protest, characterized by banners, slogans, and peaceful demonstrations, reflects the students’ determination to highlight their grievances and demand immediate action from college authorities. Some students have also taken to social media platforms to amplify their voices and garner support from the wider community.

In response to the protest, college authorities have assured students of their commitment to addressing the issues raised. They have promised to conduct thorough investigations into the allegations of unhygienic food practices and take corrective measures to ensure the provision of safe and nutritious meals to students.

The protest at Malla Reddy Engineering College underscores the importance of maintaining high standards of food hygiene and safety in educational institutions. Students have the right to expect clean and healthy meals as part of their college experience, and any lapses in this regard must be promptly addressed by the authorities.

As the protest continues to unfold, it serves as a reminder of the power of student activism in bringing about positive change within educational institutions. By raising their voices and advocating for their rights, students play a crucial role in holding authorities accountable and promoting a culture of transparency and accountability.

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